Envision a life where you let go of emotional control & allow yourself to fully step into the power of NOW. In turn, you gift yourself the freedom to embody all of your emotions as they arrive within your energetic body. More often than usual I hear women share they suffer from anxiety on a daily basis. Anxious energy is a symptom of underlying issues that are stored within the subconscious. Just as the heart's job is to pump blood, the liver's job to detox the body, the minds job to think! And if you find yourself creating stories that don't serve you, it is your soul's calling to rewrite the narrative. YOU are the author of your life story. The need to control every moment doesn’t serve your being. And while your soul's journey was written long before you arrived Earth side you can however, adopt ways to navigate your path. In doing this you create space to begin to live freely. Gifting yourself the permission to become aware & shift your focus allows you to deeper understand why you show up the way you do in situations over & over again. Once you begin to acknowledge & unlock the source of any suppressed emotions the process of transformation can occur. You simply cannot change what you don’t acknowledge.
I offer practical tools/resources & rituals created within Mindfulness, Heartfulness & soul alignment so that women may return to gratitude & live a life feeling fully empowered. Accepting the unacceptable in every setback, every fall, every rise, every tear, every smile, every experience, good or bad was made for you to become the BEST version of YOU. Every single soul lesson has arrived in your space to help you grow. My guidance is to assist your soul to feeling connected to your Highest self while here on Earth. This process IS your Earth side connection.
While we may not know one another just yet one thing I do know for sure about you is that you've experienced pain/trauma. Every single human walking this Earth has endured pain. The journey for every soul is to arrive Earth side to experience lesson after lesson. Through these soul lessons we grow closer to our highest Self. Allow me to help you experience breakthrough after breakthrough that won’t break you. Rather you rise. Together we rise. Warning: working on ourselves can be messy, chaotic & open up wounds that bring all sorts of emotions to the surface. Yet I promise YOU ARE WORTH IT. I shall remind you the power of self love throughout this entire process. Together we will navigate your Earth side connection. You are capable. Perceive it. Conceive it. Believe it. Receive it. Then begin experiencing what it feels like to Live your BEST life!
What to expect
> Transform unhealthy patterns/behaviors & thoughts that no longer serve you.
> Bring awareness to shifting your focus & perspective.
> Remove limiting beliefs & negative self talk.
> Expansion in self love/self compassion.
> Inner child work through forgiveness.
> Develop a deeper inner trust of your own voice by redirecting & reflecting energetic emotions mindfully.
> Practice returning to gratitude to help stay grounded/rooted in times of uncertainty.
> Create mantras/affirmations specifically for your own soul's growth.
> How to remove the mask of inauthenticity & interact w/other women through authentic connections.
> Ability to identify healthy relationships within your life not surface level ones found on social media.
> Weekly guided meditations/breath work.
> Cultivating healthy boundaries that serve you in all of your relationships, including the one you share w/yourself.
> Adopting warrior vs. worrier perspective.
> Removing self doubt & replacing it with self worth. (Validation is for parking).
> Processing past traumas/grief into beautiful lessons to align us with our highest self. (There is always beauty in the breakdown) Remaining focused on the breakdown doesn't allow room for growth.
> Recognizing our triggers & learning to stand in our center during stressful moments.
> Creating possibilities in all relationships through conscious communication.
> Building your self confidence & resilience.
> Setting intentions for future growth & creating a crystal grid using crystals/stones. ALL materials are provided.
If you are feeling depressed, you are living in the past.
If you are anxious, you are living in the future.
If you are at peace, you are living in the present
~Lao Tzu~
Coaching packages are designed individually. Each session is 60 minutes. Sessions can be done in person, by phone or via FaceTime.